“Science Fiction Studios” Podcast Episode #4

Join Dave in our Science Fiction Studios in the Magic City as we talk with.. Author Scott Blasingame.

Dave catches up with Scott after first meeting him at Magic City Con last year.

Scott is a prolific writer of many genres including action, drama, fantasy, poetry, science fiction and horror. His writings and characters often reflect a mix of these as well as romance.

Reviews of his works such as “The-Warrior Son Trilogy” and “The NightDragon“ series states, “The many titles this author produces include plots filled with tension and intrigue, and thrilling action scenes that uniquely contain intricate fight sequences that take the reader into the heart of combat.”

Believe us when we say you’ll want to be taking notes as Dave and Scott discuss the fine-tuned processes this Author has become known for by creating and producing integral volumes of work in incredibly short deadlines.

You can find his books on Amazon and his website at https://nocturnitybookstore.com/

SFV Science Fiction Studios is recorded in the Magic City of Birmingham, AL. https://pftatalkshow.org/

“Science Fiction Studios” Podcast Episode #4

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