“Science Fiction Studios” Podcast Episode #5
Join Dave in our Science Fiction Studios in the Magic City as we talk with…Graphic Novelist C.J. Laney
Dave catches up with C.J. to announce and celebrate the release of his comic book Vigilante series.
CJ has been working on this for a while and has had some major setbacks including personal ones along the way, but it was one near-tragic family event that solidified this 21-year-old’s determination to see it through.
So listen in and hear all about the series and this young man’s journey to becoming a published artist at such a young age.
We caught up with Dave after the interview to get his thoughts on it. “I’ve known C.J. for a while, and we met when this was just rough drafts on paper, so it’s great to see it come so far. I’m really proud of him and very happy to be a part of it.”
You can find his books at Barnes and Noble and on his website. https://www.laneysnovelsandnovelties.com/s/shop
SFV Science Fiction Studios is recorded in the Magic City of Birmingham, AL. https://pftatalkshow.org/
“Science Fiction Studios” Podcast Episode #5
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